New Endeavors
This week has been quite an exciting one, with promises of lots of change and new beginnings. I have a new desktop PC on its way, which means I’ll be able to have a proper workstation once again. I’m in the last few weeks of my current job and will be beginning a new one in the coming weeks. With this new job is a more consistent schedule, which in turn means a better writing schedule as well. On top of all of that, I have wrapped Chapter 2 and started Chapter 3 of my novel, which is immensely exciting. Based on my current situations and current guesses, I’m hoping to be in the editing process of my novel by this time next year and onto the publishing process soon afterwards. I am also going to be beginning a series of short stories to be released here on the website (and even some exclusive ones onto my Patreon for $5+ subscribers) which will be a collaboration between myself and my roommate who is a graphic artist and will be creating special artwork to accompany these short stories. As these short stories are completed, they’ll be posted here on the blog during the usual Sunday release schedule. Here’s hoping that all of these new endeavors are successful ones that yield phenomenal results.