Steady As She Goes
Hello everyone, time for a little progress report. Things have been a little slow on the novel as of late. I am still working on Chapter 1, although I have finished a key events outline that should get the ball rolling again. Chapter 1 at this point is about two third of the way finished, and I’m hoping that once it’s complete the rest of the story will begin to fall in line. I’m considering releasing the prologue on Patreon for $5+ subscribers in the future.
I’ve also resumed working on my poetry. I have a small archive of poems from several years ago that will be polished up soon and most likely posted to the website weekly. I’m hoping to be able to write at least one poem per week for the next year, and possibly release a collection of poems sometime after.
The biggest hurdle to completing a lot of my writing projects lies in my schedule currently. My hours with work are sporadic at best, so often I’m too exhausted to even think about sitting at my computer for more than ten minutes and try to create anything. I’ve found that keeping a notebook in my car has become an incredible resource for me to be able to quickly jot down dialogue or plot ideas that would normally be lost somewhere in the tangles of my mind. I am hoping to be able to better iron out a writing schedule in the near future.