Some Changes and Some Progress

Hey folks,

Some of you may have noticed some updates to the website, including the removal of the poetry pages. I removed the poetry pages in part due to dissatisfaction with the content I had produced, but also partly due to wanting to keep them private for possible publishing down the line. The Book of the Week has been retrofitted to now be the Book of the Month, which I’ll find far less taxing mentally to keep up with. I thought an Album of the Month included on the Ricky’s Radio page would also be a fun way to bring some other suggestions into the mix. Along the way there have been a few quality of life changes; a new dark theme, renaming the Book Club tab to The Library, removing the redundant Twitter feed on the home page, and other minor tweaks to smoothen out the website. These new changes will make the website a little easier for me to manage and keep things nice and organized for everyone visiting.

In terms of the progress on my writing, it’s been going pretty well. In the past few days, I’ve managed to iron out two full chapters, bringing my progress to a satisfying 12 chapters. I’m doubtful that I will meet my, honestly naive, deadline of completing the novel before the end of 2021, but the progress I’ve made has been both impressive and greatly relieving. I find it amusing how often people rip into George R. R. Martin for taking so long on The Winds of Winter, especially now being on the other side of the situation. Sure, I don’t have a multimillion-person audience awaiting my next great story, but I can completely understand the struggle to make your way through a novel. (Though I’m sure that I’ll be finishing my novel before George finishes his…probably.)



The Wonders of Studio Ghibli


Ten Months Later…