Almost a Year Later

Hello everyone, it’s been a while. I’ve taken an extended break from the website to focus more on my writing. To be honest, it’s paid off. I finished my first draft back in July and just wrapped my second draft on my first novel. It’s been an exciting and enlightening process. There are still several drafts standing between me and searching for publication, but it feels wonderful to know the hardest part is now behind me. In the meanwhile, I’ve started work on a few other concepts as well. It’s been fun exploring other genres and experimenting with other forms of writing. I’ve had a tumultuous year, but managing to finish the first draft is a huge accomplishment. Editing the second draft was a much smoother and interesting experience. Several times I caught myself rereading passages and asking “what?” out loud or finding I used the same word or phrase a little too often. The best writing advice I’d ever gotten came from my first Creative Writing course in college, in which the professor told us: “Just write it, even if it’s word vomit, get it onto the paper. You can fix it later.” I try to live by that.


What Dreams May Come


The Wonders of Studio Ghibli