A Wonderful Milestone
Hello all, it’s been some time. As you may have noticed, the website has gotten a few make overs, with several more in the works. I’m still trying to restructure and figure out what I want to do with this site, and want to ensure the content I’m producing is both something you enjoy as a reader and I enjoy as a writer. This may take some time, so I ask that you bear with me as I work through these experiments and ideas that may pop up and disappear at random. In other, far more exciting news, I have crossed a new milestone for my novel. As of this moment, I’ve crossed 100 pages written! I’m phenomenally excited to have made such progress, completing nearly 3 chapters in the past month. This is absolutely huge, marking the furthest I’ve progressed with this story yet, and I’m so excited to push towards its completion. There is still a ways to go, and certainly plenty of time for rewrites, writer’s block, editing, and revision. With 100 pages under my belt, however, I have a very high confidence in my ability to continue crafting this story until it is finally complete.